The untitled film chronicles the love story of Hazarika and his wife Kalpana Lajmi. Lajmi, a filmmaker herself, has written the story.
"I was very keen to make a film on Bhupen Hazarika. Kalpana Lajmi said she wants to make a film. I was riveted because their love story was so complex. When I read Kalpana's first draft, I wept. I wanted to make a film on him because he was a legend, his music and his voice, the man he was, the complexities of him," Pooja said on the sidelines of Jagran Film Festival.
Pooja, 43, expressed desire to make a documentary on her father Mahesh Bhatt as she finds the filmmaker's life quite interesting.
"I would not make a film on his life. I would rather prefer to make a documentary. I have lived with him and I know the best of him. I am the best person to do that job.
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When asked if she would make a movie on her life, Pooja said, "First I would want to make my life more colourful then think of doing a movie on myself."
Pooja revealed that she was offered the female lead role in romantic musical drama "Aashiqui" but she refused it for her then boyfriend.
Pooja, whose last screen outing was 2001 movie "Everybody Says I'm Fine", said she would love to make a comeback to films but is waiting for the right project, which will challenge her limits as an actress.
Pooja is currently busy with her latest production venture "Cabaret", which stars Richa Chaddha and is being directed by Kaustav Narayan Niyogi.
"The film belongs to Kaustav, he has written the film, he also made the music and it is completely his baby.