Bar Council of Delhi (BCD) chairman K K Manan said the decision to send a forgery complaint against Tomar, who has been accused of possessing a fake educational degree, was taken in presence of the members and that he has again called a meeting on May 20 to resolve the issue.
"It is unfortunate. I will not comment on it. Everything was passed in their (council members) presence. The decision was taken in their presence... I don't know what has happened now. I have called a meeting on Wednesday (May 20) and I will get signatures of all the members on each and every document now," Manan said.
The lawyers alleged that in the council's May 8 meeting, it was decided to grant reasonable time to Tomar for filing his reply to the allegations and he should also be supplied the adverse material which was sought to be used against him.
They claimed no such resolution was passed authorising the Honorary Secretary of BCD to lodge any complaint with the police authorities regarding the alleged forgery.
"Majority of us who were present on May 8 did not consent for such an action. The Bar Council of Delhi being a statutory authority, comprising learned advocates, can ill-afford such a criticism about its inability to follow the law of the land," the 10 members said.