Balendran Jeyakumari and her daughter Vithushaini were arrested in Tharmapuram in Kilinochchi district on Thursday. The police had surrounded their house in search of an LTTE operative.
Ananathy Saseetharan, a woman northern provincial council member from the north, raised the issue of the arrest of mother-daughter duo at the UN Human Rights Council.
Police spokesman Ajith Rohana said while Jayakumari was produced before the Kilinochchi magistrate yesterday her daughter was handed over to child care officials.
A police officer was injured due to firing.
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Saseetharan, whose husband was an LTTE political wing leader in the east, was addressing the council in Geneva where she said that Tamils felt disappointed with the substance of the draft resolution submitted by US at the Geneva sessions.
The TNA woman councillor had pressed for an international investigation in Sri Lanka to probe the last phase of the military conflict with the LTTE which ended five years ago, resulting in Tiger Tigers crushing defeat.