UNICEF, in association with IPL team Delhi Daredevils, organised an event named Sangwari Khabariya ('Community Reporters' in local language) where underprivileged teenagers from Sarguja district became 'reporters' for a day and interacted with Zaheer Khan, Imran Tahir and Manoj Tiwary.
Some 20-odd teenagers aged between 16 to 19, most of whom being deprived of education and worked as child labour, were a part of this initiative.
UNICEF as a part of Sangwari Khabariya initiative is giving these students vocational training on audiography and videography, which would help them voice their concerns and help others look at their world through their eyes. They would tell their story and their issues.
"I don't go to school anymore as I couldn't afford it but UNICEF has taught me videography and probably help earn my bread with dignity. Zaheer Khan and Jaydev Unadkat told us that we should never stop and strive to achieve our goal," said 17-year-old Mann.
"I want to continue studies and would not like my parents to marry me off," said Leelavati.
DD as a franchise has a three year tie up with UNICEF as a part of an initiative called "Dare to Care".