Addressing a function at Paura village in the districts Sadar block, where he shared dias with Kumar, Singh made an apparent reference to the JD(U) presidents move of severing ties with the Grand Alliance and rejoining the BJP-led NDA, to say "he chose development over populism".
Kumar, who is course of Vikas Samiksha Yatra, review meeting of government programmes, laid foundation stones for schemes worth Rs 175 crore.
Singh, who is also the BJP Lok Sabha member from Nawada, said many people here have remarked that it is after a long time that the Bihar CM and I are sharing stage. My reply is that neither he nor we (BJP) had ever given up the politics of development. And development is the glue that has bound us together once again".
He also urged the people of the state to do their bit in making the governments social reform measures a success.
Significantly, Singh, who holds the Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises portfolio, has been known to share cold vibes with Kumar even while he was a minister in the government headed by the JD(U) president until the alliance between the two parties snapped in 2013.