After the swearing-in of Nitish Kumar as the Chief Minister of Bihar, former Prime Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) leader H D Deve Gowda today made a strong push for unity among the parties to counter BJP, a move supported by several chief ministers, including Mamata Banerjee and Akhilesh Yadav.
"It will be good if we all come together. We are a collective family and the more we come together, the better it would be politically and electorally," West Bengal Chief Minister Banerjee said.
"I am the happiest person today as secular political parties are uniting here in Bihar. I have faith that we all will fight the next general elections together against the BJP," Deve Gowda told PTI at Kumar's swearing-in ceremony.
The 81-year-old former Prime Minister reminisced about his 30-year-old association with Kumar and said it was a pleasure to attend the oath taking ceremony of a colleague of Janata Parivar and a former member of Janata Party, adding that "it was high time that parties of similar, secular thinking came together".
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Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said in a scenario of continuously changing politics it was necessary that the parties believing in secular and socialist ideology should come together to take their message to the public.
"Secular policies and socialist ideology should be taken to the masses by the parties that believe in them. It has become more relevant at a time when the world is coming together through Information Technology and market economy," the UP CM said.
The first test of any such unity bid will come towards the end of the year when Bihar goes to polls.