Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav announced a hike in duty allowance from Rs 160 per day to Rs 200 and also increased additional allowance from Rs 10 per day to Rs 30 per day in case of duty in other district.
Addressing a function to mark 50th foundation day of home guards, Akhilesh also said that during Kumbh and Mahakumbh duties they will also get meal allowance of Rs 60 per day, besides parade allowance of Rs 50.
The chief minister also announced to increase welfare fund to Rs five crore.
Allowance of honorary platoon and company commander would be doubled, he said.
The chief minister said, "in case of death during duty the family members would get a financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh in place of existing Rs 3 lakh, whereas in case of disability financial assistance of Rs 3 lakh would be given."
Duty system would also be computerised so as to bring transparency.
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Five officers were felicitated on the occasion.