A statement released by the office of the speaker said, "The historic decision has been made by UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Speaker Hriday Narayan Dixit. In the past, there were discussions about live telecast of proceedings of state assembly, but they did not materialise."
In an earlier interview to PTI, the speaker had favoured longer sessions of the state legislature and mutual cooperation between the ruling party and the opposition for smooth conduct of the House. He was also "open" to the idea of live telecast of the proceedings of the House.
Citing a new protocol issued by the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the statement said, "Before the governor addresses the joint sitting of both the Houses, he will be accorded a Guard of Honour in Raj Bhavan, after which he will proceed for Vidhan Bhavan."
"Upon reaching the Vidhan Bhavan, the governor will be welcomed by chief minister, chairman of legislative council and speaker of legislative assembly. The governor after arriving at Vidhan Bhavan will be given 'national salute' at the portico, after which he would move towards Vidhan Sabha Mandap," the statement added.