Uttar Pradesh Congress chief Nirmal Khatri has been booked for allegedly trying to malign the RSS by "morphing" a photo that purportedly shows an activist disrupting flood relief operations in Chennai.
A case was registered against Khatri yesterday under Section 469 of the IPC (forgery for purpose of harming reputation) and Section 66D of the Information Technology Act (cheating using computer resource) on the complaint lodged by some senior BJP leaders and RSS workers, Circle Officer (Sadar) Asim Choudhary said today.
As per the complaint, Khatri used a stray 2010 photo of some unidentified people to depict an RSS worker creating disruptions during flood relief operations in Chennai.
The photo became viral on Facebook and other social networking sites.
A case was registered against Khatri yesterday under Section 469 of the IPC (forgery for purpose of harming reputation) and Section 66D of the Information Technology Act (cheating using computer resource) on the complaint lodged by some senior BJP leaders and RSS workers, Circle Officer (Sadar) Asim Choudhary said today.
As per the complaint, Khatri used a stray 2010 photo of some unidentified people to depict an RSS worker creating disruptions during flood relief operations in Chennai.
The photo became viral on Facebook and other social networking sites.