Opposition members staged a walk out from the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly on Thursday alleging anomaly in the implementation of reservation for backwards and the Scheduled Castes in the state.
Raising the issue through an adjournment notice during the zero hour, Samajwadi Party members alleged that general category candidates were given priority over those from the backward and scheduled caste categories despite scoring lesser marks in the written examination of the Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad.
"The backward and scheduled castes candidates who secured more marks were not called for an interview," they alleged.
The Leader of Opposition Ram Govind Chaudhary alleged that ever since the BJP government has come to power, there have been efforts to dilute the reservation policy in the state.
Despite Parliamentary Affairs Minister Suresh Khanna assuring the house that the quota system for the reserved categories will continue as enshrined in the Constitution, the SP, BSP and Congress staged a walk out.