Narendra was detained by Crime Branch of Delhi Police from Kanpur where he was posted with surveillance cell at IG office. He was brought to Delhi on Sunday and was interrogated to find out if he acted alone or any other policemen were involved in illegally obtaining the CDRs.
He will now be confronted with Jaiveer Singh who was by Crime Branch sleuths for obtaining CDRs from the former and selling to his clients, said Joint Commissioner (Crime) of Police Ravindra Yadav.
Sleuths are also going through the bank account details of Narendra to establish money transactions between him and Jaiveer. It has been found that Narendra had earned nearly 25 lakh through selling CDRs, police said.
The four persons previously arrested include Jaiveer, Pankaj Tiwari who reportedly owns a media company and a detective agency, Aditya Sharma, a freelance detective and Sanjeev Chaudhary, a sales manager of a management consultancy company.