The event, in which Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav will chair deliberations with NRIs belonging from Uttar Pradesh, is aimed at engaging them on a wide range of levels and topics, principal secretary to the newly set up NRI department, Sanjiv Saran, said.
The state government intends to develop Uttar Pradesh Pravasi Divas (UPPD) as the largest platform for exchange of knowledge and information with NRIs and PIOs (persons of Indian origin) leading to their increased bonding with the state of their origin as also a meaningful dialogue aimed at enhancing investment and trade for UP, he said.
"There will be special focus on 'Girmityas' from UP -- the indentured labourers who were taken by the British as workforce to Mauritius , Fiji, Caribbean island and some parts of South Africa. They eventually turned them into lands of prosperity," he said, adding that the state will recognise their excellence and hard work .
The chief minister will also confer UP Ratna Awards to those who have excelled in their profession or field of activity abroad, Saran said.
The state will also be showcasing its flagship infrastructure and industrial projects underway as well as traditional handicrafts and delicacies, he added.