The Uttar Pradesh government on Fridaysaid it has purchased a total of 82825.55 million units of power from various sources till November 2018 to meet its demand."UP Power Corporation has purchased 82,825.55 million units of electricity from various sources till Nov 2018 to meet your demands. Previous year (2017-18), the corporation had purchased 119,051.44 million units," UP Energy minister Shrikant Sharma said while replying to a qustion in the state assembly.The question was raised by SP members Sanjay Garg and Parasnath Yadav.The minister said everyday power demand is between 11,000-14500 MW and there is availability of 14,250 MW from different sources.Replying to a separate question, Sharma said there is no provision of lodging FIRs to recover power bill payments."There is no provision for lodging FIRs to realise pending power bills. FIRs were registered in cases of power theft and restoring of connections snapped due to power dues.