Additonal Superintendent of Police (City) Rajesh Kumar Yadav, who rushed to Shantipuram locality to bring situation under control, "A demolition drive was being carried out by Allahabad Development Authority as part of which a number of kiosks erected unlawfully on the roadside were brought down".
"There was a spot where some people had installed a few idols and used to regularly place flowers and burn incense sticks. They had even started calling the place a temple.
"Those indulging in encroachment of public land were obviously miffed over the drive. Among them were some anti-social elements who started hurling stones at the authorities whom they accused of having desecrated a 'temple'.
"By the time the police party could reach, the mob had torched a State Roadways Corporation Transport bus and damaged a couple of other vehicles parked nearby," he said.
Police had to lob teargas shells and fire in the air to disperse them, Yadav said.