Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley charged Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of being "nervous" and "scared" with the idea of the erstwhile Amethi ruler Sanjay Singh contesting against him that forced the ruling party to nominate him to Rajya Sabha from Assam.
"As the elections appear closer, the nervousness in the Congress Party has become more visible. Each one is frantically concerned about his own position rather than wanting the Congress Party to get ready for a spirited fight," Jaitley said.
"In the process not only has the leader of the Congress Party displayed his personal nervousness but the party's prospects in Assam have been considerably damaged. States in the North East and Jammu & Kashmir are particularly sensitive and want their own candidates to be elected to the Parliament."
The BJP leader said Rahul Gandhi's constituency Amethi, a fortress of the Congress Party that has been nourished by the family for four decades, is being made "secure" by creating a "firewall of sorts" around it and alleged that "deals are being worked out with the SP and the BSP not to put up candidate from the minority community against the sitting MP".
Earlier, BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said, "Congress is a sinking ship and its passengers are deserting it. Sonia cannot deliver. Manmohan Singh is past. Rahul Gandhi is a failure. They know how Congress and UPA have made a mess of India. Allies are seeking greener pastures elsewhere.