Gurbhej Singh Sandhu visited the Rikers Island Correctional Facility on numerous occasions since February 2012 to meet his son, who was serving a sentence at the facility.
Sandhu was made to remove his turban every time he went to meet his son even though he explained to security officers that the turban is an essential part of the Sikh identity and removing it is a humiliation and a denigration of the Sikh faith, according to a statement by rights groups United Sikhs.
The legal team of the rights group sent a letter to the city's Correction Department, seeking an explanation and remedial measures for the "mistreatment" of the elderly Sikh.
United Sikhs also filed a complaint with the Department of Justice Civil Rights Commission who then directed the matter to Bharara's office.
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The US Attorney's office wrote to the Correction Department seeking an explanation for their acts and alleged religious discrimination against Sandhu.
United Siksh noted that the actions of the security personnel are in contravention of the facility's policies and procedures, which exempts religious head coverings from its general prohibition of wearing of hats and head coverings during visits to its facilities.
In the letter sent by United Sikhs to the correction department, Staff Attorney Manmeet Singh said forcing a Sikh to remove his turban is "degrading, cruel and an embarrassment."