Officials from the US Embassy met Haryana Agricultural University Vice Chancellor K S Khokhar here today in this regard.
Douglas Fowler, Economic Officer and his associate, Michelle Janzen, from the US Embassy, New Delhi, called on Khokhar and discussed with him issues regarding agricultural production and challenges being faced by the state's farm sector.
Khokhar said Haryana accounts for only 1.4 per cent of the geographical area of the country, but contributes to the tune of 30 per cent in the central food reserves. However, its agriculture sector is being threatened by climate change and other factors.
He added that the university has developed models of integrated farming system for the small and marginal farmers by incorporating various components like horticulture, floriculture, animal husbandry and other allied activities.
Embassy officials briefed him about various agriculture research and practices being followed in the US and said that there is great scope for collaboration between them in this area.
Fowler said that another meeting would be scheduled shortly so that a detailed discussion can be held in this area.