"We live in an era of furious change and unlimited technological potential. So we can't just keep doing the same things the way they've been done before," Rice said in her maiden public speech as the top national security advisor.
"We need to harness our power for progress and put it to work improving the lives of people around the world. That's the spirit the Obama Administration has brought to all of our development work," she said in her address to the USAID's Saving Lives at Birth Event.
"That's why American initiatives like Feed the Future and the New Alliance for Food Security aren't just about bringing food to hungry people. They're about building stronger agricultural systems so that countries can feed themselves," 48-year-old Rice said.
"President Barack Obama's Global Health Initiative is working with an increasing number of partners and countries who have stepped up to join with us as equals, sharing the responsibility for building stronger, self-sustaining health systems," she said.
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Rice said the US has put a priority on ending preventable child and maternal deaths.
"For the first time since the AIDS epidemic began ravaging populations all around the world, the treatments and interventions that we've employed-including preventing mother- to-child transmission have put the dream of an AIDS-free world and an AIDS-free generation within our grasp," she said.