The four products are Camel Crush Bold, Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter, Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter Menthol and Vantage Tech 13 cigarettes, the US Food and Drug Administration said in a statement.
"The company's submissions for these products did not meet requirements" that the products be "substantially equivalent" to products already on the market as of February 15, 2007, the FDA said.
"More specifically, the agency concluded the products have different characteristics than the predicate products and that the manufacturer failed to show that the new products do not raise different questions of public health when compared to them," said the FDA statement.
The order means that the four products can no longer be sold, distributed, imported or marketed in interstate commerce in the United States.
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"The agency will continue to review product submissions and exercise its legal authority and consumer protection duty to remove products from the market when they fail to meet the public health bar set forth under law.