"Since terrorism emanating from the territory under Pakistan's control remains a core concern for India, Government has sensitised the US Government in interactions at all levels, about the need for constant vigilance as also close monitoring of such assistance being provided," Minister of State for External Affairs V K Singh said in a written reply.
He said the US has conveyed that it has put in place end-use monitoring mechanisms to ensure that its security assistance to Pakistan was used solely for counter terrorism-related purposes.
In reply to another question, the minister said India will formally apply for membership of the four export control regimes - Nuclear Suppliers Ground (NSG), Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Australia Group (AG) and Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) once the ground has been adequately prepared for its membership.
Singh said India is not a member of the NSG and hence is not a party to discussions within the forum, but government is aware that Chinese supplies to Pakistan's nuclear reactors at Chashma 3 and 4 as well as to additional reactors in Karachi are in violation of NSG guidelines on nuclear transfers and do not have the approval of NSG.
In reply to another question, the minister informed Lok Sabha that India has agreed to provide assistance for construction of bridges on the Tamu-Kyigone-Kalewa (TKK) road section of the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway starting from Moreh in Manipur.