Judge Kullu Purender Vaidya today convicted and sentenced three accused - Arjun, Lakki, both residents of Solang and Som Bahadur of Aleo - to 20 years of jail and a fine of Rs 10,000 each under the Section 376 IPC for the crime.
In case of default in paying the fine the convict shall go for further imprisonment of two years.
The accused have also been sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for another five years for offence punishable under Section 392 IPC (Robbery) and imposed on each another fine of Rs 5,000.
District Attorney Mahesh Sen earlier told the court that the 30-year-old US tourist, who visited Manali on June 3, 2013, was staying at the Sun Rise guest house in Old Manali.
She was picked up by the trio in a commercial vehicle when she was going back to her guest house after visiting a friend on June 4 night, he said, adding, that the miscreants took her to a secluded spot and gangraped her.