This is a work in progress as the United States moves from a donor-recipient relationship to that of partnership, the official said.
"We are increasingly working with and talking to India about the development programs that it supports within the Asia region, and we have a trilateral dialogue US-India-Japan that focuses on the East Asia theater," Nisha Biswal, Assistant Administrator USAID told members of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific during a Congressional hearing on Thursday.
When US President Barack Obama went to India in 2010, he talked about the local-global cooperation. Along with the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Obama launched the partnership for an Evergreen Revolution which talks about the partnership between the United States and India in the African context, she said.
"But, increasingly, we're looking, not only how to partner in Sub-Saharan Africa, but in Afghanistan, in South Asia and in East Asia," the USAID official said.
"What we talked about when we say transforming the partnership, the relationship from donors, recipient to one of two partnerships is we recognize that India is a country that has represented both tremendous progress and faces continuing challenges," she said.