In 2012, over 54,000 cases were registered in Delhi while in 2014 the number crossed 1.5 lakh mark. This year the number of registered cases is expected to increase further, said Commissioner of Delhi Police BS Bassi.
"Delhi Police has endeavoured to register cases in every crime where FIR is required. It's a very satisfactory development regarding registration of cases," he said.
The online 'lost report' service enables people to lodge complaints of lost things through Internet or mobile phones and receive a digitally signed 'lost report'.
Over 6000 cases of vehicle theft have been registered electronically through the Motor Vehicle Theft Application which is undergoing a trial run. It enables reporting vehicle theft through mobile phones.
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If the stolen vehicle is not traced within 21 days, the complainant receives an untraced report which could be used for making insurance claims.
The Delhi Police through these initiatives on digital platform is trying to help people register their cases from their homes, apart from those cases where direct interaction with police is necessary, Bassi said.