Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has asked the Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) to construct at least 500 metres of road by using plastic waste.
The chief minister made the suggestion during a review meeting held recently, officials at the chief minister's office today said.
According to them, Deb said such an initiative would help reduce pollution as small plastic bags pollute waterbodies and clog drains.
Deb also suggested that plastic wastes could be collected from households. He also asked the AMC to start door-to-door garbage collection in all parts of the municipal area.
"If necessary, an expert agency may be consulted for this purpose," a state government official said quoting the chief minister.
The chief minister, during the meeting, also said that Agartala city should become open defecation free (ODF) by August 15 this year.
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He asked the officials to use funds provided under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) for the purpose, another state government official said.
"Agartala city should be kept neat and clean. All the sweeping and cleaning staff should be monitored strictly. Action should be taken against the workers who are not performing their duties properly," the official said quoting the chief minisrter.
Deb also laid stress on periodic cleaning of municipal drains to prevent stagnation of water in some parts of the city during the monsoons.
Earlier, the state government had sanctioned Rs 7 crore for cleaning drains.