In a filing to the BSE, Lupin said its Indore plant was audited by the US Food and Drug Administration in January this year and received six observations under Form 483, without specifying details.
The USFDA issues observations under Form 483 that documents and communicates concerns discovered during inspections of manufacturing plants. Once it is issued, a company has 15 days to respond to the USFDA.
Lupin said its two facilities, the Lupin Bioresearch Centre, Pune (LBC) and the manufacturing facility at Pithampur, near Indore, were audited by the US FDA in November, 2014 and January, 2015, respectively.
Since then, the Indore facility has received one abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) approval and two site-transfer approvals, it added.
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The company said it has received approval from the USFDA to market its generic bimatoprost ophthalmic solution in the US market, the filing for which was made from its Indore facility.
The final approval is for its product, a generic version of Allergan Inc's Lumigan Ophthalmic Solution.
"Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc (LPI), the company's US subsidiary would commence marketing the product shortly," the filing said.
Lupin shares ended the day at Rs 1,648.70 per scrip, down 2.5 per cent on the BSE.