USL's scrip climbed 6.63 per cent to settle at Rs 3,050.45 on the BSE. During the day, it gained 9.85 per cent to Rs 3,142.55 -- its 52-week high. At the NSE, shares of USL soared 6.30 per cent to end at Rs 3,037.
On the volume front, 1.63 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the BSE, while over 15 lakh shares were traded at the NSE during the day.
The company had said 76.33 per cent of the minority shareholders approved its proposal, a tad over the 75 per cent requirement.
Although the promoter and promoter groups are required to abstain from voting, the filing had said United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd, holding 2.90 per cent shares of the United Spirits and Kingfisher Finvest India Ltd, holding 1.14 per cent of the share capital, have exercised their votes in favour of the special resolution.