Rawat said criticism by BJP MP Ajay Tamta and other party leaders of the arrangements is "indirectly harming" the image of the state as a safe destination. Leaders should not indulge in politics when it comes to the state's image, especially with such baseless and illogical statements, he said.
"BJP MP Tamta and other party leaders are not able to understand that their statements are indirectly tarnishing the image of Uttarakhand and people involved with tourism here," he said.
Former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank had said arrangements for Nanda Devi Raj Jat Yatra were "poor" and accused the government of wasting money in the name of improving facilities for pilgrims.
Rawat said with the success of the Yatra, which concluded yesterday, the state has once again emerged as a safe haven for tourists after last year's natural calamity.