The team members, including the representatives of the World Bank and UNDP, led by Sailesh Baguli, the programme manager of Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Projects (UDRP) also visited the cyclone shelter centres at Kanamana and Matikhalla.
"The team was very keen to know about the management of the district administration in the pre and post-cyclone period. They also discussed about the formation of the district level disaster response authorities and its work before the disaster" said Assistant Collector and emergency officer Mahendra Panda.
Like Odisha, Uttarakhanda was also very prone to natural disasters like the heavy rains, floods. Hundreds of people, particularly the pilgrims of Char Dham Yatra died and heavy infrastructure facilities damaged in the devastating floods and subsequent heavy landslides in the month of last June.
Though heavy infrastructure facilities have been damaged in Ganjam district when cyclone Phailin hit the district on October 12, the human casualty was minimized due to the forcibly eviction of the people from the five-km of the coast line.