Singh, a Minister of State in the Modi government, said today the said video is of Vijay Pal Tomar and not him as being linked, requesting people to counter the "mischief".
"Video of Shri Vijay Pal Tomar during felicitation of Shri Amit Shah has been floated to say it is me. A case of mischief by prestitutes !!!!," he tweeted from his official twitter account.
The video has been taken out of Shah's felecitation function after being elected unopposed as the BJP chief for a full three-year term.
Singh had earlier too used a word "presstitutes" to label the media, triggering a massive outrage.
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The controversy began when Singh said last April that visiting the Pakistan High Commission was "more exciting" than evacuating Indians from Yemen. The comment was tagged as insensitive by media outlets and social media, kickstarting a controversy.
"Friends what do you you expect from presstitutes...," he had said.
Later, he tried to downplay the controversy, saying "presstitute" word was meant for a biased section of media.