The youth, Mukesh Sakla from Madhya Pradesh, was spotted in the river which passes through the middle of the city this afternoon crying for help and saved by auto driver, Ganibhai Mohammed Sheikh after a 10-15 minute battle with the crocodile.
Narrating the incident, Sheikh said, "I saw a youth screaming for help in the river while passing over Bhimnah bridge in Sayajigunj area at around 1230 hrs. Several people had gathered on the bridge and were pelting stones at the crocodile."
"Soon the crocodile retreated in the river water and the youth, who was bleeding profusely, was brought out," the 52-year-old auto driver said.
Sakla was rushed to the Gujarat Government-run SSG Hospital in a municipal van by local residents and is undergoing medical treatment.
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Talking to PTI, P B Chauhan, Range Forest Officer, said they are trying to record the teenager's statement.
Chauhan said several people told him that he jumped into the river from the bridge.
"There are many crocodiles in the river and one of them suddenly attacked and grabbed his left hand," he said, quoting eye-witnesses.
Sheikh said it took him 10 to 15 minutes to free the youth from the aquatic reptile's jaws. It is not known how serious is Sakla's injury.
More than 200 crocodiles are thought to inhabit Vishwamitri.