The Rs five lakh event is being played at the historic Delhi Golf Club, and will conclude tomorrow. Sharmila Nicollet is placed second after 36 holes, trailing Vani by three shots.
Vani's total stands at 146.
Vani played a careful round with a lone birdie on the fifth hole and two bogeys on the 3rd and 18th holes. She finished her day with a score of one over 73 to lead the field after 36 holes.
Overnight leader and Kolkata golfer Neha Tripathi (72,78) is tied third along with Delhi golfer Ankita Tiwana (77,73) with identical scores of 150. Amateur
Millie Saroha is placed fifth with a total score of 155 (80,75) after the second round. Veteran Delhi-Golfer Smriti Mehra withdrew from the tournament on medical grounds after playing seven holes.