Turnbull commended Prime Minister Narendra Modi'svision for supporting global peace and well-being and describedthe ancient practice of yoga as one of India's gifts to the world and acknowledgedits aim to develop resilience,thoughtfulness, respect and harmony, towards each other and the world.
Turnbull's message was read out by IndianHigh Commissioner Navdeep Suri at a special programme organised at the historic Old Parliament building in Canberra whichmarkedthe start of a week-long celebration of Yoga in all major cities of Australia.
Interative sessions on Yoga and meditations were conducted which were attended by many people including Gai Brodtmann MP, Federal Member for Canberra, senior government officials, diplomats, professionals, students, yoga enthusiasts from various schools as well as members of the Indian community in Canberra.
Welcoming the participants, Suri told the participants that their presence was a testimony to the growing popularity and acceptance of Yoga and its effectiveness in addressing a broad range of 21st century ailments ranging from hypertension and diabetes to stress and anxiety.
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In Melbourne, severalparticipants from all walks of life attended the Yoga day celebrations which started yesterdayin Town Hall of Richmond suburb.
Melbourne'sConsul general Manika Jain, Australian marathon runner Samantha Gash, chairperson of Victorian Multicultrual commission Helen Kapalos apart from several other dignitories were present during the occassion.
The attendees discussed the benefits of yoga and how it was reflecting benefits in the personal lives followed by yoga sessions.
In New South Wales,Hindu Council of Australia will organisethe Yoga Day in thestateParliament on Thursday while on Tuesday, India Australia Exchange Forum will hold the eventinside theVictorian Parliament.