The prices of peas have risen sharply from nearly Rs 80-100 per kg to current Rs 120-Rs 140 per kg, traders said today.
Prices of other vegetables available in the retail markets including potato, beans, baby pumpkin, bitter gourd, carrots, cucumbers have also registered an increase.
While price of beans has jumped from Rs 50 per kg to Rs 60-70 per kg, baby pumpkin price has risen to Rs 60-70 per kg from earlier Rs 40-50 per kg while cauliflower was selling at around Rs 60-70 per kg.
Lemon prices have also registered an increase going up from Rs 20-25 for 250 grams to Rs 30-40 for the same weight.
However, tomato and onion prices were stable at around Rs 25-30 per kg and Rs 15 per kg, respectively, the traders said, adding bottle gourd prices also remained unchanged which were around Rs 25-30 per kg.