The move comes after Sebi, in August, had asked brokers to verify credentials of 107 unlisted entities and bar them from trading if results are found unsatisfactory.
The directive followed Sebi asking the exchanges, on August 7, to restrict trading in shares of 331 suspected shell companies, which were identified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for initiating necessary action as per Sebi's laws and regulations.
The BSE said in a circular today that the Sebi has advised that trading members, who have registered any of these three unlisted companies -- Premium Polycot, Yuva Trading Company and Spiritual Marketing -- to verify the credentials/ fundamentals of such firms.
"If on verification of credentials of the said clients, the same are not found satisfactory, their UCC (Unique Client Code) should be temporarily disabled by exchanges and report on the same shall be submitted to Sebi," the circular said.
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"Accordingly, trading members, who have registered any of these unlisted companies as clients, are requested to verify the credentials/fundamentals of such companies.
"For the purpose of verification of credentials/ fundamentals of the company, they shall seek the auditors certificate from these companies," the BSE said.
The auditor certificate will need to provide details such as status of filing its annual income tax return for the last three years and status of any pending disputes with the income tax department, and status of the company's compliance with all the requirements of the Companies Act and annual returns filing during last three years.
The BSE has asked its trading members to do the due diligence based on the auditors certificate and other documents and submit a report to the exchange by October 23.