Odisha's seven-time MLA Pradeep Maharathy on Thursday said he has been on fast since Wednesday, "extremely hurt" over remarks critical of his performance as the state's agriculture minister during the previous tenure of the government.
Maharathy said in the assembly on Thursday that he was pained by Finance Minister Niranjan Pujari's comments on the limited number of cold storages in operation in the state.
"I am extremely hurt at the minister's statement, and have not taken any food since Wednesday. I urge the Speaker to expunge the remarks from the records of the assembly," Maharathy said.
Pujari had on Wednesday said there are 128 cold storages in the state, of which only 48 are active and the rest defunct.
In reply, Maharathy said, "When I became agriculture minister, only 24 cold storages were in operation in the state. I increased the number to 48."