"The way Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and the like have been maintaining a mysterious silence for the last three days since the report made public raises a question mark on their patriotism. They indulged in a senseless debate on intolerance only to serve their selfish motives. They should apologise.
"But CM Akhilesh (Yadav) cannot get away with a mere apology. He has falsely implicated Hindus of Dadri and put them behind bars. He must withdraw false cases against Hindus and provide adequate compensation to the victims," VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain said.
The report prepared by a forensic lab in Mathura has concluded that the meat sample found from Mohammad Akhlaq's house was beef, eight months after he was lynched on rumours that his family stored and ate beef.
A preliminary report of an enquiry by the Uttar Pradesh Veterinary department had said the meat was mutton of 'goat progeny'.
Jain claimed residents of the village had reported that Akhlaq had indulged in cow-slaughter in open defiance but "their voice was drowned in the cacophony of secular media".