Vedanti was detained when he tried to step out of the Karsevak Puram in Ayodhya to take part in the VHP's yatra, UP IGP (Law & Order) R K Vishkarma told reporters in Lucknow.
The "Panch-Kosi Parikrama" in an organised manner had been banned by the Faizabad District Magistrate on the basis of SSP's report, he said.
However, there was no ban on pilgrims and saints undertaking it at an individual level, the IGP said.
In Ayodhya, some VHP activists inside Karsevak Puram performed some religious rituals.
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Earlier in the morning, a group of Sadhus, hailing from Andhra Pradesh, performed the Panch-Kosi Parikrama in the holy town.
However, Shiv Swami, the leader of the group, said "our Parikrama has no connection with the VHP."
Faizabad DM Vipin Kumar Dwivedi said "security forces are on high alert. Our aim is to maintain communal harmony and peace.