Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday placed a wreath on the statue of Raja Vijay Singh, who was hanged by the British Army after he led a revolt against them, in Haridwar district and said the story of India's Independence could not be complete without the mention of the late leader.
"The spirit of patriotism pervades this village. Its present day residents are the descendants of the brave, Raja Vijay Singh and his soldiers who blew the first bugle of revolt against the britishers even before the sepoy mutiny of 1857," he said.
The vice president said he felt honoured to come to Kunja Bahadurpur village and would like the younger generation to learn from the story of Raja Vijay Singh's supreme sacrifice for the country's freedom.
He also suggested that stories of Raja Vijay Singh's valour and similar such stories from different parts of the country should be made part of the syllabus to familiarise the younger generation with the sacrifices that finally led to the country's freedom.
The 'smriti diwas' was held by Shiksha Prasar Samiti of Kunja Bahadurpur village to commemorate their martyrdom.