In a case which could cause much embarrassment to BJP in the poll season, a video has gone viral of the party's candidate for the Rajkot Lok Sabha seat walking on the backs of some students at a yoga camp here.
The video of Mohan Kundariya was shot at a yoga event here yesterday at the Swaminarayan Temple.
Kundariya was the chief guest at the yoga camp.
Kundariya, who was seen stepping gingerly on a human bridge formed by the students, reportedly said he was "demonstrating their yoga skills" through his antics.
The video of Mohan Kundariya was shot at a yoga event here yesterday at the Swaminarayan Temple.
Kundariya was the chief guest at the yoga camp.
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The video shows the BJP candidate walking on the backs of students who are said to belong to Sanskriti Pathshala Vidyalaya.
Kundariya, who was seen stepping gingerly on a human bridge formed by the students, reportedly said he was "demonstrating their yoga skills" through his antics.