Amid worries about soaring public debt, a serious budget deficit and China's aggressive claims in nearby seas, there's also high hope for Obama's visit, both in the government, which wants him to lift an arms export embargo so it can better deal with Beijing, and among rights activists who want him to hold to account a repressive one-party state seen as treating its critics abysmally.
Voting was to close later today, hours before Obama's arrival, and the results for elections to the 500-seat National Assembly are expected to be announced within 20 days.
Expectations may be too high for any major announcements during Obama's trip. But just the fact that he's making time to visit Vietnam during his last year in office, when a president's every waking moment is meticulously choreographed, signals its importance to his administration as it boosts focus on Asia, generally, and stands up to China's rising assertiveness in the region, more specifically.
Obama must balance a desire to support Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam as they confront China over disputed maritime territory with worries about the tension with Beijing this will cause and about Vietnam's reluctance to improve its terrible human rights record.
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When he lands in Hanoi, and then moves south to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, he will see a vibrant, bustling land where many have been lifted from poverty in recent years.
But Vietnam also struggles with public debt, the legacy of the war unexploded ordinances, for instance and environmental problems, like drought and salt intrusion in the country's main rice-growing region.