The charges were framed in the court of Avani Ranjan in connection with the case that had been lodged by the vigilance department alleging that the illegal issuance of certificates had fetched Rs 90 lakh and that Sinha had allegedly spent the amount in Koda's Singhbhum Lok Sabha Constituency.
Now an MP, Koda was an independent MLA when he headed the UPA coalition between 2006 and 2008.
Both Koda and Sinha are in judicial custody in connection with money laundering and other cases.
While Koda was arrested by the vigilance sleuths at Chaibasa on November 30, 2009, Sinha was apprehended on September 16, 2010.
The special court of Enforcement Directorate had on September 25 this year framed charges against the two along with six others in money laundering case.