A Vigilance Investigation Bureau caught one Shambhu Kumar, a clerk with Land Acquisition office, Nawada, red handed while he was allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 30,000 for making payment to the complainant for the land acquired.
One Ram Balak Prasad, a resident of Kharaudh village under Sirdalla police station of Nawada district, had lodged a complaint with the Vigilance department that the clerk Shambhu Kumar was demanding a bribe of Rs 45,000 from him for making payment for acquisition of land.
A flying squad team was constituted under Deputy Superintendent of Police Maharaj Kanishk Kumar who conducted a raid and caught Shambhu Kumar, the clerk with Land Acquisition Office, while he was allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 30,000 from Land Acquisition Office, Nawada.
The accused would be produced before a Special Vigilance Court (I) at Patna after interrogation, the release said.
Altogether 78 persons have been arrested in 71 trap cases laid by the Bureau so far in 2016.