BJP national general secretary Kailash Vijayvergiya Friday slammed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for "doubting" the success of the strike by the Indian Air Force (IAF) at training camps of terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed at Balakot in Pakistan.
BJP's state president Dilip Ghosh also criticised her saying it is "condemnable" that an Indian politician, and not a Pakistani one, is demanding evidence of success of the air strike.
"It is a matter of shame that just for the sake of politics, a chief minister is doubting our armed forces, when the entire country stands by the armed forces. We condemn such statements," Vijayvergiya told reporters on the sidelines of a party meeting here.
Banerjee Thursday said the nation has a right to know what actually happened at Balakot in Pakistan following the IAF's air strike there, as several foreign media had reported that not much damage was done by the air strike.
She had said, "We have the right to know, people of this country want to know how many were killed. Where was the bomb actually dropped? Was it dropped on the target?"