Maharashtra Congress leader Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil and Madha MP Vijaysinh Mohite Patil of the NCP have doubts about the BJP retaining power at the Centre and that's why the duo has not joined the ruling party, the NCP quipped Wednesday.
Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil's son Sujay is contesting the Lok Sabha poll on a BJP ticket from Ahmednagar, while Vijaysinh Mohite Patil's son Ranjitsinh had joined the saffron outfit last month.
However, Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, who is Leader of Opposition in the assembly, and Vijaysinh Mohite Patil, a former state minister, are still in their respective parties.
Earlier in the day, Vijaysinh Mohite Patil shared the stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a poll rally in the Madha Lok Sabha constituency in Solapur district.
NCP national spokesperson Nawab Malik said Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil is not sure if his son would win from the Ahmednagar seat.
"Mohite Patil shared stage with Modi, but did not join the party. Similar is the case of Vikhe Patil in Ahmednagar. They themselves are not sure if the BJP would win these seats," Malik said.
"They sent their sons in the BJP, but are not joining it themselves. This shows they have doubt if the BJP will come to power again," Malik added.