Surat Singh Thakur was elected as senior Vice President, Rajesh Parmar, Vikrant Singh Rana and Rajeev Sehgal as Vice Presidents, Ishwar Rohal as General Secretary, Rana Vijay Singh as Chief Advisor, Manish Giri as Joint Secretary and Rajeev Sood as Treasurer at the general body meeting of the association here.
Besides, six members of the governing council from different districts were also elected.
Speaking at the meeting after his elections, Vikramditya Singh said the main focus of the association was to spot talent and provide them better opportunities to hone their skills and excel in their field.
It would facilitate the shooters of the state in better preparation for the national and international events, he said.
Besides, efforts would be made to establish 10-15 meters shooting range in every district. He said an indoor shooting range had been completed at Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Shimla which would be inaugurated soon.
Vikramaditya Singh said State Rifle Association was a non-political body which was working with a motive to promote shooters of the state keeping aside the vested interests.