After paying floral tributes to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar at RBI square, both Muttemwar and Wasnik reached the District Collectorate in a huge procession amidst chanting of slogans and drum beats by their supporters.
They were accompanied by MPCC chief Manikrao Thare, AICC Spokesman Hussain Dalwai, Minister of State for Finance Rajendra Mulak, MLAs Dinanth Padole, Sunil Kedar, former Minister Satish Chaturvedi and former Minister of State Sulekha Kumbhare who is now Congress ally besides NCP leaders including city Congress President Vikas Thakre and party chief Ajay Patil among others.
MPCC chief Manikrao Thakre ruled out any rift in the Congress circles in the region and said Raut was reaching Nagpur today and would resume camaigning while Anees will join campaign tomorrow.
On remaining three seats of Yavatmal, Aurangabad and Nanded, where the Congress has not yet announced the candidates, Thakre said an announcement was expected today.