Earlier, the Officer-in-charge of Panki police station, H P Pathak, who was already been suspended, has "misled" the Superintendent of Police Y S Ramesh that a Maoist was killed in the police firing in Kasmar village last midnight.
However, Ramesh came to know later that victim was a villager and not a Maoist, who sustained critical injury in the police firing and was referred to RIMS, Ranchi for better treatment, he said.
Earlier, acting on a information that an Area Commander of CPI (Maoists) was likely to arrive in the village, police said a police team has gone to the village Kasmar to arrest him.
In course of the search operation in the village, the policemen knocked the door of Yadav, who opened the door and started fleeing on seeing a group of policemen in plain clothes presuming them as Maoists.
In protest against the incident, local residents led by Jharkhand Sangharsh Morcha Chief, Dr. Shashi Bhusan Mehta put up road blockade demanding immediate arrest of the irresponsible policemen and adequate compensation to the victims family.
Ramesh assured that he would investigate the incident personally and punish the policemen, if found guilty.