Twitter was the platform for virtual sloganeering on Monday with hundreds of thousands of users responding to the revocation of Article 370 that gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, some going with a victorious #BharatEkHai, while others criticised the move with #StandwithKashmir.
Soon after Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday moved a resolution in the Rajya Sabha stating that Article 370 will no longer be applicable, a mixed bag of reactions bombarded the micro-blogging site with several tweets.
Calling the "historic" move a "real success", Twitteratis said it further strengthened the national integrity.
Tweets celebrating India's unity started pouring in in no time.
"One Flag, One Nation, One Country, One Constitution!! #KashmirHamaraHai" a Twitter user wrote.
"#JammuKashmir is now an integrated part of India. Happiness everywhere