State Bank of India on Monday said it would provide essential and basic banking services with minimum number of staff at the branches in Telangana, where a lockdown has been announced by the government to contain spread of coronavirus.
Chief General Manager of SBI Hyderabad Circle O.P Mishra also appealed to all the customers to minimise their visits to the branches.
As per the guidelines, bank will deliver the basic services only cash deposits, cash withdrawal , remittances, clearing of cheques and government transactions in its branches from March 23, 2020 onwards till further notification, it said.
Mishra has also advised the customers to use the digital and alternate channels such as internet banking, YONO and ATM services to minimise the need for the customers to visit branches as most of the services are available on these platforms.
In view of the lockdown announced by Telangana government, the bank requested its customers to cooperate for safety and to prevent the spread of this virus.
It also requested all the customers and staff to maintain personal hygiene and avoid grouping or meeting in the branches to ensure social distancing and help in containing the virus threat.