In Junior Max category, Abhirat Shetty and Mahaveer of Meco Racing won the Heat 1 and Heat 2 race respectively. In Micro Max category, Shahan Mohsin of Meco Racing and Pradyumn Danigund of Mohite won the Heat 1 and Heat 2 races respectively.
Packed with challenging corners and hairpins corners, the 840-metre JK Tyre-MMS Kartainment Track tested all the racers and provided high-octane action. A total of 41 racers in three categories - Micro Max (7 to 12 years), Junior Max (13 to 16 years) and Senior Max (15 and above) - represented five teams in Round 2.
In the Heat 2 - Senior Max category, Vishnu Prasad took lead from the first lap and since then, he didn't allow other racers to come closer to him. He steered his kart till the end of the 15-lap race.
But the real fight was for the second position, which was between Chittesh Mandody of Mohite and Round 1 winner Nayan Chatterjee of Rayo Racing. Nayan won the battle at the last moment after he managed to overtake Chittesh. On other hand, defending champion Ameya Bafna, who started at 13th position, displayed his outstanding racing skills to finish at respectable fourth position.